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yfan1123@buaa.edu.cn / ying_fan@263.net















[1] 《系统科学理论与实践》 副主编(2023- );编委(2018-2023)

[2] 《管理世界》第十一届编委,(2022- )

[3] 《中国管理科学》编委,(2012- )

[4] International Advisory Board Members, Energy Policy (2019- )

[5] Area Editor, international journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, (2015-)

[6] Editor, the Energy Journal (2017- )

[7] Editor, Energy and Environment (2013- )

[8] Editor, Journal of Systems Science and Information (2013- )


1. 科瑞唯安2021全球高被引科学家(Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher), 2023,2021

2. 全球学者学术影响力排行榜单,2023,2022,2021(斯坦福大学发布)

3. 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers),2023,2022,2021

4. 全国碳市场下发电企业碳成本传导研究,2022年度工业和信息化优秀研究成果二等奖,2023

5. 碳达峰碳中和背景下工业和信息化发展思路研究,2021年度工业和信息化优秀研究成果二等奖,2022

6. 统筹创新链、产业链、供应链和价值链,构建制造业生态,2020年度工业和信息化优秀研究成果一等奖,2021

7. 能源战略管理,中国科学院大学2020年校级“研究生优秀课程”,2021

8. 资源共享协同创新的能源经济专业培养模式,北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,2018

9. 一带一路下的能源合作与安全,国家能源软科学优秀成果二等奖,国家能源局,2017

10. 我国碳市场关键技术研究与重庆碳排放权交易应用示范,重庆市科学技术奖二等奖,重庆市人民政府,2017

11. 中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖,中国科学院,2015年

12. 中国科学院京区“巾帼建功”先进个人,中国科学院,2014年

13. “钟家庆运筹学奖”, 钟家庆基金会, 2013年

14. “中国科学院第四届十大杰出妇女”提名奖,中国科学院,2013年

15. 政府特殊津贴,国务院,2013

16. “我国能源投融资若干问题研究”,获得2010年度中国石油天然气集团公司科学技术进步奖二等奖,2011年(执行组长)

17. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“原油价格波动规律及其对我国经济的影响分析”在结题后评估中被评为“特优”,2010年(主持人)

18. “新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选,2009年

19. 国家杰出青年科学基金,2008年

20. 中国科学院“百人计划”,2008年

21. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“金融市场复杂系统演化的元胞自动机模型”在结题后评估中被评为“特优”,2008年(主持人)

22. 青海省科技竞争能力与产业化环境建设研究,青海省科技进步奖二等奖,2006年

23. 洪灾风险管理理论研究,湖北省自然科学奖二等奖,2006年

24. 青海省特色产业科技发展规划,北京市科学技术奖三等奖,2005年

25. 北京市人口资源环境与经济协调发展的多目标规划模型研究,北京市科学技术奖三等奖,2002年


[1] 马少超, 范英. 2024. 电动汽车政策体系研究:从推广应用到车网融合. 北京: 科学出版社.

[2] 范英,刘炳越,衣博文等. 2023. 能源转型背景下的能源安全. 北京: 科学出版社.

[3]姬强,范英. 2017.国际石油市场:驱动机制与影响机理.北京:科学出版社.

[4]段宏波,范英. 2017.能源系统集成建模:政策驱动下的低碳转型.北京:科学出版社.

[5]范英,莫建雷,朱磊. 2016.中国碳市场:政策设计与社会经济影响.北京:科学出版社.

[6]范英,滕飞,张九天(主编). 2016.中国碳市场:从试点经验到战略考量.北京:科学出版社.

[7]朱磊,范英,莫建雷. 2016.碳捕获与封存技术经济性综合评价方法.北京:科学出版社.

[8]莫建磊,范英译. 2016.马克.切斯尼,乔纳森.盖桑,安卡.克劳迪娅.帕娜,卢卡.塔斯基尼 著.环境金融与投资.大连:东北财经大学出版社.

[9]范英,姬强,朱磊,李建平. 2013.中国能源安全研究:基于管理科学的视角.北京:科学出版社.

[10]应尚军,范英. 2013.股票市场的演化与复杂.北京:经济管理出版社.

[11]范英(主编). 2011.温室气体减排的成本、路径与政策研究.北京:科学出版社.

[12]范英(执行组长)等. 2010.我国能源投融资战略研究,国家能源战略研究报告. (国家能源局内部出版)

[13]范英,焦建玲. 2008.石油价格:理论与实证.北京:科学出版社.

[14]魏一鸣,刘兰翠,范英,吴刚. 2008.中国能源报告(2008):碳排放研究.北京:科学出版社.

[15]范英,魏一鸣,应尚军. 2006.金融复杂系统:模型与实证.北京:科学出版社.

[16]魏一鸣,范英,韩智勇,吴刚. 2006.中国能源报告(2006):战略与政策研究.北京:科学出版社.

[17]范英,郑永和,魏一鸣,韩建国. 2004.海外科学基金评审方法与实践.北京:科学出版社.

[18]魏一鸣,金菊良,杨存建,黄诗峰,范英,陈德清. 2002.洪水灾害风险管理理论.北京:科学出版社.


1.“应对全球变化的可持续性转型模式研究”,国家重点研发计划项目, 2021-2025









10.“城市家庭能源效率:基于多种方法的集成研究”,中荷JSTP合作项目, 2015-2017


12.NZEC II示范项目成本核算与融资机制分析,中欧NZEC合作项目, 2013-2014





17.国际原油价格中长期预测及软件设计,中国海洋石油集团委托项目, 2012


19.我国碳减排成本及减排路径选择研究,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项—应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题, 2011-2015


21.ACI energy security outlook for a green and sustainable Asia,Asian Development Bank Institute,2011

22.能源-环境-经济系统中的预测问题研究,中国科学院预测科学项,2010- 2012

23.能源价格改革的挑战与政策,英国使馆项目,2010 – 2011








31.Support to regulatory activities for CO2 capture and storage(STRACO2), the 7thEC Framework Programme from European Commission,2008-2009

32.Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC), China-UK joint project,2007-2009








40.能源经济系统若干预测问题研究,中国科学院预测科学研究中心长期支持项目,2006- 2010





















1.Ying Fan, Xilong Yan, Lianbiao Cui, Luyang Zhang, Jiaxue Wang. 2023. Carbon pricing, carbon equity, and the RCEP framework. China Economic Review, 80: 102017

2.Lin Xiang, Ying Fan, Xueying Yu. 2023. The joint clean air actions and sir quality spillovers in China. Journal of the air &waste management association, 73(11): 829-842.

3.Zi-Xin Wang, Bing-Yue Liu, Ying Fan. 2023. Network connectedness between China’s crude oil futures and sector stock indices. Energy Economics, 125(2023): 106848.

4.范英,姚星,樊伟. 2023. 能源系统低碳转型中的气象风险. 石油科学通报, 8(4):512-521.

5.范英,莫建雷. 2023. 中国特色应对气候变化政策体系的评估与展望:中国《第四次气候变化国家评估报告·第四部分》解读. 中国人口· 资源与环境,33(1): 93-99.

6.Ying Fan, Zhuang Liang & Xing Yao (2022): Regional power system transitions towards carbon neutrality: The case of North China, Economic and Political Studies, 10:4, 416-441。

7.Wenxin Geng,Ying Fan*. 2022. An imperfectly competitive permit market under a rate-based scheme. Energy Economics, 105: 105702.

8.Bing-Yue Liu,Ying Fan*, Qiang Ji, Nazim Hussain. 2022. High-dimensional CoVaR network connectedness for measuring conditional financial contagion and risk spillovers from oil markets to the G20. Energy Economics, 105: 105749.

9.Shao-Chao Ma, Bo-Wen Yi,Ying Fan*. 2022. Research on the valley-filling pricing for EV charging considering renewable power generation. Energy Economics, 106: 105781.

10.Bowen Yi, Shaohui Zhang*,Ying Fan*. 2022. Economics of planning electricity transmission considering environmental and health externalities. iScience 25, 104815.

11.Bowen Xiao,Ying Fan*, Xiaodan Guo, Lin Xiang. 2022. Re-evaluating environmental tax: An intergenerational perspective on health, education and retirement. Energy Economics, 110: 105999.

12.Bowen Xiao,Ying Fan *, Xiaodan Guo, Sebastian Voigt, Lianbiao Cui. 2022. Effects of linking national carbon markets on international macroeconomics: An open-economy E-DSGE model. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169:108166.

13.Weijun Liao,Ying Fan, Chunan Wang. 2022. How does COVID-19 affect the implementation of CORSIA? Journal of Air Transport Management, 99:102180.

14.Lin Xiang,Ying Fan, Xueying Yu, Sai Liang. 2022. The distributed environmental benefits from driving electrical vehicles— evidence from China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 182: 106338.

15.Xing Yao, Shaochao Ma,Ying Fan, Lei Zhu and Bin Su. 2022. An investigation of battery storage operating strategies in the context of smart cities. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122 (10): 2393-2415.

16.Shao-Chao Ma, Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan. 2022. Characteristics and key trends of global electric vehicle technology development: A multi-method patent analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 338: 130502.

17.马少超,范英*. 2022. 能源系统低碳转型中的挑战与机遇:车网融合消纳可再生能源. 管理世界, 2022(5): 209-220, 239.

18.肖伯文,范英*. 新冠疫情的经济影响与绿色经济复苏政策评估. 系统工程理论与实践, 2022, 42(2): 273-288.

19.赵万里,范英,姬强,张大永. 2022. “一带一路”国家金融风险溢出研究 ——基于TENET网络方法. 系统工程理论与实践, 2022, 42(1): 24-36.

20.张希良,黄晓丹,张达,耿涌,田立新,范英,陈文颖. 2022. 碳中和目标下的能源经济转型路径与政策研究. 管理世界,2022(1): 35~51.

21.赵万里,范英,姬强,张大永. 2022. 多源原油冲击对中国股价的异质性影响分析——来自微观公司层面的证据. 系统科学与数学, 2022, 42(02): 255-270.

22.Bowen Xiao,Ying Fan*, Xiaodan Guo. 2021. Dynamic interactive effect and co-design of SO2 emission tax and CO2 emission trading scheme.Energy Policy, 152:112212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112212

23.Weijun Liao,Ying Fan, Chunan Wang, Zixun Wang. 2021. Emissions from intercity aviation: An international Comparison.Transportation Research Part D, 95(2021): 102818.

24.Fu Zhao,Ying Fan, Shaohui Zhang. 2021. Assessment of efficiency improvement and emission mitigation potentials in China’s petroleum refining industry.Journal of Cleaner Production, 280:124482.

25.Jianlei Mo, Weirong Zhang, Qiang Tu, Jiahai Yuan, Hongbo Duan,Ying Fan, Jiaofeng Pan, Jian Zhang, and Xhixu Meng. 2021. The role of national carbon pricing in phasing out China’s coal power.iScience, 24: 102655.

26.Bing-Yue Liu, Qiang Ji, Duc Khuong Nguyen,Ying Fan. 2021. Dynamic dependence and extreme risk comovement: The case of oil pieces and exchange rates.International Journal of Finance & Economics, 26:2612-2636. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.1924

27.Yi Zhang,Ying Fan*, Yan Xia. 2021. Structural evolution of energy embodied in final demand as economic growth: Empirical evidence from 25 countries.Energy Policy, 156(2021): 112473.

28.Ming Xu, Glen T. Daigger,* Chuanwu Xi, Jianguo Liu, Jiuhui Qu,* Pedro J. Alvarez, Pratim Biswas, Yongsheng Chen, Dana Dolinoy,Ying Fan, Huaizhu Oliver Gao, Jiming Hao, Hong He, Daniel M. Kammen, Maria Carmen Lemos, Fudong Liu, Nancy G. Love, Yonglong Lu, Denise L. Mauzerall, Shelie A. Miller, Zhiyun Ouyang, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Wei Peng, Anu Ramaswami, Zhiyong Ren, Aijie Wang, Brian Wu, Ye Wu, Junfeng Zhang, Chunmiao Zheng, Bing Zhu, Tong Zhu, Wei-Qiang Chen, Gang Liu, Shen Qu, Chunyan Wang, Yutao Wang, Xueying Yu, Chao Zhang, and Hongliang Zhang. 2021. U.S.−China Collaboration is Vital to Global Plans for a Healthy Environment and Sustainable Development.Environmental Science & Technology, 55:9622-9626.

29.Shujin Hou,Ying Fan, Bo-Wen Yi. 2021. Long-term renewable electricity planning using a multistage stochastic optimization with nested decomposition.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 161:107634.

30.Qiang Tu, Jianlei Mo, Zhuoran Liu, Chunxu Gong,Ying Fan. 2021. Using green finance to counteract the adverse effects of COVID-19 pandemic on renewable energy investment - The case of offshore wind power in China.Energy Policy, 158:112542.

31.Xiaokang Wang, Huiwen Wang, Zhichao Wang, Shan Lu,Ying Fan. 2021. Risk spillover network structure learning for correlated financial assets: A directed acyclic graph approach.Information Sciences, 580:152-173.




35.夏炎,姚晔,蒋茂荣,范英*.2021.房贷利息抵扣个人所得税政策的价格影响与收入分配效应研究.系统科学与数学,41(2): 1-19.

36.Jianxin Guo,Ying Fan*. 2020. Should low-carbon capital investment be allocated earlier to achieve carbon emission reduction?Science of the Total Environment, 711:134948.

37.Shao-Chao Ma,Ying Fan*. 2020. A deployment model of EV charging piles and its impact on EV promotion.Energy Policy, 145: 111777.

38.Jie Wu,YingFan*, Govinda Timilsina, Yan Xia and Renyong Guo. 2020. Understanding the economic impact of interacting carbon pricing and renewable energy policy in China.Regional Environmental Change20, 74.

39.Jianfeng Guo, Fu Gu, Yinpeng Liu, Xi Liang, Jianlei Mo,Ying Fan. 2020. Assessing the impact of ETS trading profit on emission abatements based on firm-level transactions.Nature Communications, 11, 2078.

40.Song-Min Yu,Ying Fan, Lei Zhu, Wolfgang Eichhammer. 2020. Modeling the emission trading scheme from an agent-based perspective: System dynamics emerging from firms’ coordination among abatement options.European Journal of Operational Research, 286(3):1113-1128.

41.Xing Yao,Ying Fan,Lei Zhu, Xian Zhang. 2020. Optimization of dynamic incentive for the deployment of carbon dioxide removal technology: A nonlinear dynamic approach combined with real options.Energy Economics, 86:104643.

42.Jin-Hua Xu, Bo-Wen Yi,Ying Fan. 2020. Economic viability and regulation effects of infrastructure investments for inter-regional electricity transmission and trade in China.Energy Economics, 91(2020): 104890.

43.Xing Yao, Bowen Yi, Yang Yu,Ying Fan, Lei Zhu. 2020. Economic analysis of grid integration of vatiable solar and wind power with conventional power system.Applied Energy, 264:114706.

44.Qiang Ji, Bing-Yue Liu, Wan-Li Zhao,Ying Fan. 2020. Modelling dynamic dependence and risk spillover between all oil price shocks and stock market returns in the BRICS.International Review of Financial Analysis. 68: 101238.




48.Bo-Wen Yi, Wolfgang Eichhammer, Benjamin Pfluger,Ying Fan*, and Jin-Hua Xu. 2019.The Spatial Deployment of Renewable Energy Based on China’s Coal-heavy Generation Mix and Inter-regional Transmission Grid.The Energy Journal,40(4): 45-74.

49.Shao-Chao Ma,Ying Fan*, Jian-Feng Guo, Jin-Hua Xu, Jiannan Zhu. 2019. Analysing online behaviour to determine Chinese consumers' preferences for electric vehicles.Journal of Cleaner Production, 229(8): 244-255.

50.Shao-Chao Ma, Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan.2019. Willingness to pay and preferences for alternative incentives to EV purchase subsidies: An empirical study in China.Energy Economics, 81: 197-215.

51.Hongguang Nie, Veronique Vasseur,Ying Fan*, Jinhua Xu. 2019. Exploring reasons behind careful-use, energy-saving behaviours in residential sector based on the theory of planned bahaviour: Evidence from Changchun, China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 230(9): 29-37.

52.Hongbo Duan, Gupeng Zhang, Shouyang Wang,Ying Fan. 2019. Robust climate change research: a review on multi-model analysis.Environmental Research Letters, 14(3):033001.

53.Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan. 2019. Coordination of policy goals between renewable portfolio standards and carbon caps: A quantitative assessment in China.Applied Energy, 237:25-35.

54.Hong-Bo Duan, Shouyang Wang,Ying Fan. 2019. Integrated benefit-cost analysis of China's optimal adaptation and targeted mitigation.Ecological Economics, 160:76-86.

55.Xing Yao,Ying Fan, Yuan Xu, Xian Zhang, Lei Zhu*, Liangyong Feng. 2019. Is it worth to inverst? -An evaluation of CTL-CCS project in China based on real options.Energy, 182(2019): 920-931.

56.Jiqiang Wang, Fu Gu, Yinpeng Liu,Ying Fan, Jianfeng Guo*. 2019. Bidirectional interactions between trading behaviors and carbon prices in European Union emission trading scheme.Journal of Cleaner Production, 224(7): 435-443.

57.Qiang Ji, Bing-Yue Liu,Ying Fan. 2019. Risk dependence of CoVaR and structural change between oil prices and exchange rates: A time-varying copula model.Energy Economics, 77: 80-92.

58.Bowen Xiao,Ying Fan*, Xiaodan Guo. 2018. Exploring the macroeconomic fluctuations under different environmental policies in China: A DSGE approach. Energy Economics, 76(2018): 439-456.

59.Jianlei Mo, Joachim Schleich,Ying Fan*. 2018. Getting ready for future carbon abatement under uncertainty - Key factors driving investment with policy implications.Energy Economics, 70: 453-464.

60.Qiang Ji,Ying Fan, Mike Troilo, Ronald Ripple, Lianyong Feng. 2018. China's Natural Gas Demand Projections and Supply Capacity Analysis in 2030.The Energy Journal, 39(6): 53-70.

61.Hongbo Duan, Jianlei Mo,Ying Fan, Shouyang Wang. 2018. Achieving China's energy and climate policy targets in 2030 under multiple uncertainties.Energy Economics, 70: 45-60.

62.Hong-guang Nie, Rene Kemp, Jin-hua Xu, Veronique Vasseur,Ying Fan*. 2018. Drivers of urban and rural residential energy consumption in China from the perspectives of climate and economic effects.Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 2954-2963.

63.Hongbo Duan, Gupeng Zhang, Shouyang Wang,Ying Fan. 2018. Balancing China's climate damage risk against emission control costs.Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change. 23: 387-403.

64.Hongbo Duan, Gupeng Zhang, Shouyang Wang,Ying Fan. 2018. Peer interaction and learning: Cross-Cluntry diffusion of solar photovoltaic technology,Journal of Business Research, 89(2018): 57-66.

65.范英. 2018.中国碳市场顶层设计:政策目标与经济影响.环境经济研究,3(1): 1-7,25.

66.莫建雷,段宏波,范英,汪寿阳. 2018.《巴黎协定》中我国能源和气候政策目标:综合评估与政策选择.经济研究, 53(9): 168-181.

67.马少超,范英. 2018.基于时间序列协整的中国新能源汽车政策评估.中国人口资源环境, 28 (4) :117-124

68.Ying Fan, Jun-Jun Jia, Xin Wang, Jin-Hua Xu. 2017.What policy adjustments in the EU ETS truly affected the carbonprices?Energy Policy, 103: 145-164.

69.Ying Fan, Bin-Bin Peng, Jin-Hua Xu. 2017. The effect of technology adoption onCO2 abatement costs under uncertainty in China's passenger car sector.Journal of Cleaner Production, 154:578-592.

70.Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2017. An ecological network analysis of the structure, development and sustainability of China's natural gas supply system security.Ecological Indicators, 73: 235-246. (SCI)

71.Bing-Yue Liu, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2017.A new time-varying optimal copula modelidentifying the dependence across markets.Quantitative Finance, 17(3): 437-453. (SCI /SSCI)

72.Jian-Xin Guo,Ying Fan*. 2017. Optimal abatement technology adoption based upon learning-by-doing with spillover effect.Journal of Cleaner Production, 143(2): 539-548. (SCI /SSCI)

73.Hongbo Duan, Gupeng Zhang,Ying Fan, Shouyang Wang. 2017. Role of endogenous energy efficiency improvement in global climate change mitigation.Energy Efficiency, 10:459-473. (SSCI)

74.Bingyue Liu, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan, 2017.Dynamic return-volatility dependence and risk measure of CoVaR in the oil market: A time-varying mixed copula model.Energy Economics, 68, 53-65. (SSCI)

75.Jing-Yu Liu, Yan Xia,Ying Fan*, Shih-Mo Lin, Jie Wu. 2017. Assessment of a Green Credit Policy Aimed at Energy-Intensive Industries in China Based on a Financial CGE Model.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017: 293-302. (SCI)

76.Shao-Chao Ma,Ying Fan*, Lianyong Feng. 2017. An evaluation of government incentives for new energy vehicles in China focusing on vehicle purchasing restrictions,Energy Policy, 2017(110): 609-618. (SCI)

77.Ying Fan*, Jie Wu, Yan Xia, Jing-Yu Liu. 2016. How will anationwidecarbon market affect regional economies and efficiency of CO2 emission reduction in China?China Economic Review, 38:151-166. (SSCI)

78.Ying Fan, Yin-Peng Liu, Jian-Feng Guo. 2016.How to explain carbon price using market micro-behaviour?Applied Economics, 48(51): 4992-5007.(SSCI)

79.Jie Wu, Johan Albrecht,Ying Fan*, Yan Xia. 2016. The design of renewable support schemes and CO2 emissions in China.Energy Policy, 99: 4-11. (SCI /SSCI)

80.Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan, 2016.Inter-regional power grid planning up to 2030 in China considering renewable energy development and regional pollutant control: A multi-region bottom-up optimization model.Applied Energy, 184, 641-658. (SCI /SSCI)

81.Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2016. How do China's oil markets affect other commodity markets both domestically and internationally?Finance Research Letters, 19, 247-254. (SSCI)

82.Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2016. Modelling the joint dynamics of oil prices and investor fear gauge.Research in International Business and Finance, 37, 242-251.

83.Yan-Ran Ma, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2016. Spatial linkage analysis of the impact of regional economic activities on PM2.5 pollution in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 139: 1157-1167. (SCI /SSCI)

84.Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2016.Assessing the stability of the LNG supply in the Asia Pacific region.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34:376-386. (SCI /SSCI)

85.Jian-XinGuo, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan*. 2016. Emission path planning based on dynamic abatement cost curve.European Journal of Operational Research, 255: 996-1013. (SCI /SSCI)

86.QiangJi,Ying Fan*. 2016. Evolution of the world crude oil market integration: A graph theory analysis.Energy Economics, 53:90-100. (SSCI)

87.Hong-Bo Duan, Lei Zhu,GürkanKumbaroğlu,Ying Fan. 2016.Regional Opportunities for China to go low-carbon: Results from the REEC Model.The Energy Journal. 223-252. (SCI /SSCI)

88.David C. Broadstock,Ying Fan,QiangJi,Dayong Zhang. 2016.Shocks and Stocks: A Bottom-up Assessment of the Relationship Between Oil Prices, Gasoline Prices and the Returns of ChineseFirms.TheEnergy Journal, 37(SI1): 55-86. (SCI /SSCI)

89.Jie Wu,Ying Fan*, Yan Xia. 2016.The Economic Effects of Initial Quota Allocations on CarbonEmissions Trading in China.TheEnergy Journal, 37(SI1): 129-151. (SCI /SSCI)

90.Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-HuaXu,Ying Fan, 2016.Determining factors and diverse scenarios of CO2 emissions intensity reduction to achieve the 40–45% target by 2020 in China – a historical and prospective analysis for the period 2005–2020.Journal of Cleaner Production, 122: 87-101.(SCI /SSCI)

91.Jian-Lei Mo, Paolo Agnolucci, Mao-Rong Jiang,Ying Fan*. 2016. The impact of Chinese carbon emission trading scheme (ETS) on low carbon energy (LCE) investment.Energy Policy, 89:271-283. (SCI /SSCI)

92.Hong-Bo Duan, Gu-Peng Zhang, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan*, Shou-Yang Wang. 2016. How will diffusion of PV solar contribute to China’s emissions peaking and climate responses?Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53(1): 1076 -1085. (SCI)

93.Jin-Hua Xu, Bo-Wen Yi,Ying Fan*. 2016. A bottom-up optimization model for long-term CO2 emissions reduction pathway in the cementindustry: A case study of China.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 44: 199-216. (SCI /SSCI)

94.Jian-Lei Mo, Joachim Schleich, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan*. 2015. Delaying the introduction of emissions trading systems–Implications for power plant investment and operation from a multi-stage decision model.Energy economics, 52: 255-264.

95.Qiang Ji,Ying Fan*. 2015. Dynamic integration of world oil prices: A reinvestigation of globalization vs. regionalization.Applied Energy, 155:171-180.

96.YanXia,Ying Fan*, Cuihong Yang. 2015. Assessing the impact of foreign content in China’s exports on the carbon outsourcing hypothesis.Applied Energy, 150:296-307.

97.Jing-Yu Liu, Shih-Mo Lin, Yan Xia, Ying Fan, Jie Wu. 2015. A financial CGE model analysis: Oil price shocks and monetary policy.Economic Modelling,51:534-543.

98.Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2015.The diagnosis of an electricity crisis and alternative energy development in Pakistan.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52:1172-1185.

99.Qiang Ji, Ming-Lei Liu, Ying Fan. 2015. Effects of structural oil shocks on output, exchange rate and inflation in the BRICS countries: A Structural Vector AutoregressionApproach.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(6): 1129-1140.

100.Hai-Ying Zhang, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2015. What drives the formation of global oil trade patterns?Energy Economics, 49(5): 639-648.

101.Sen-Sen Chen, Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan. Evaluating the effect of coal mine safety supervision system policy in China’s coal mining industry: A two-phase analysis.Resources Policy, 46(12): 12-21.

102.Binbin Peng, Huibin Du*, Shoufeng Ma,YingFan,David C. Broadstock.2015.Urban passenger transport energy saving and emission reduction potential: A case study for Tianjin, China.Energy Conversion and Management, 102(9): 4-16.

103.Lei Zhu, Zhongxiang Zhang,Ying Fan. 2015.Overseas oil investment projects under uncertainty: how to make informed decisions?Journal of Policy Modeling,37:742-762.

104.Lei Zhu, Hong-Bo Duan,Ying Fan*. 2014.CO2 mitigation potential of CCS in China - an evaluation based on an integrated assessment model.Journal of Cleaner Production,103: 934-947.

105.Hong-Bo Duan, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan*. 2015. Modelling the evolutionary paths of multiple carbon-free energy technologies with policy incentives.Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 20(1): 55-69.

106.范英,莫建雷. 2015.中国碳市场顶层设计重大问题及建议.中国科学院院刊, 30(4): 492-502.

107.吴洁,范英,夏炎,刘婧宇. 2015.碳配额初始分配方式对我国省区宏观经济及行业竞争力的影响.管理评论, 27(12): 63-71.

108.刘婧宇,夏炎,林师模,吴洁,范英. 2015.基于金融CGE模型的中国绿色信贷政策短中长期影响分析.中国管理科学, 23(4): 46-52.

109.段宏波,朱磊,范英. 2015.中国碳捕获与封存技术的成本演化和技术扩散分析.系统工程理论与实践, 35(2): 333-341.

110.YingFan*,XuWang.2014.Which Sectors should be included in the ETS in the Context of a Unified Carbon Market in China?Energy and Environment, 25(3&4): 613-634.(SSCI)

111.Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan*, Song-Min Yu. 2014. Energy conservation and CO2 Emission reduction inChina’s 11th Five-Year Plan: A performance evaluation.Energy Economics, 46(6): 348-359.

112.Lian-Biao Cui,Ying Fan*, Lei Zhu, Qing-Hua Bi. 2014.How Will the Emissions Trading Scheme Save Cost for Achieving China’s 2020 Carbon Intensity Reduction Target?.Applied Energy, 136(12): 1043-1052.

113.Lian-Biao Cui,Lei Zhu,Marco Springmann,Ying Fan*. 2014. Design and Analysis of the Green Climate Fund.Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 23(3): 266-299.

114.Hong-Bo Duan, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan*. 2014.A cross-country study on the relationship between diffusion of wind and photovoltaic solartechnology.Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 83(3): 156-169.

115.Hong-Bo Duan, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan. 2014.Optimal carbon taxes in carbon constrained China: Alogistic-induced energy economic hybridmodel.Energy, 69(5): 345-356.

116.Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2014. A dynamic analysis on global natural gas trade network.Applied Energy, 132(11): 23-33.

117.Qiang Ji, Jiang-Bo Geng,Ying Fan.2014.Separated influence of crude oil prices on regional natural gas import prices.Energy Policy, 70(7): 96-105.

118.Qiang Ji, Hai-Ying Zhang,Ying Fan*. 2014.Identification of global oil trade patterns:an empirical research based on complex network theory.Energy Conversion and Management, 85: 856-865.

119.Jin-Hua Xu,Ying Fan*. 2014.An individual risk assessment framework for high-pressure natural gas wells with hydrogen sulphide, applied to a case study in China.Safety Science, 68(7):14-23.

120.Jin-Hua Xu,Tobias Fleiter,Ying Fan*, Wolfgang Eichhammer. 2014.CO2 emissions reduction potential in China's cement industry compared to IEA's CementTechnology Roadmap up to 2050.Applied Energy, 130(10): 592-602.

121.Mian Yang,Ying Fan, Fuxia Yang, Hui Hu. 2014.Regional disparities in carbon dioxide reduction from China’s uniformcarbon tax: A perspective on interfactor/interfuel substitution.Energy,74(9): 131-139.

122.Shang-Jun Ying,Ying Fan*. 2014.Complexity in the Chinese stock market and its relationship swith monetary policy intensity.Physica A, 394(2): 338-345.

123.Hai-Ying Zhang, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2014. Competition, transmission and pattern evolution: A network analysis of global oil trade.Energy Policy, 73:312-322.

124.刘明磊,范英,朱磊,段宏波. 2014.减排政策作用下的新能源内生技术变化建模.系统工程学报, 29(6): 763-770.

125.段宏波,朱磊,范英. 2014.能源-环境-经济气候变化综合评估模型研究综述.系统工程学报,29(6): 852-868.

126.Ying Fan*, Jian-Lei Mo, Lei Zhu. 2013.Evaluating coal bed methane investment in China based on a real options model.Resources Policy, 38(1):50-59.

127.Feng-Long Ge,Ying Fan. 2013. Quantifying the Risk to Crude Oil Imports in China: An Improved Portfolio Approach.Energy Economics, 40(11): 72-80.

128.Lei Zhu,Ying Fan. 2013.Modelling the Investment in Carbon Capture Retrofits of PulverizedCoal-Fired Plants.Energy, 57(8): 66-75.

129.Feng-Long Ge,Ying Fan. 2013.A System Dynamics Model of Coordinated Development of Central and Provincial Economy and Oil Enterprises.Energy policy, 60(9): 41-51.

130.Lin-Ju Chen, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan*and Sheng-Hua Cai. 2013. Long-term impacts of carbon tax and feed-in tariff policies on China’s generating portfolio and carbon emissions: a multi-agent-based analysis.Energy & Environment, 24(7,8): 1271-1293.

131.Yan Xia,Ying Fan*, Jie Wu. 2013.Analysis of low-carbon production chains towards China’s CO2 emission reduction targets for 2020.Singapore Economic Review, 58(3): 1350021 - 1~18.

132.Yi Zhang, Yan Xia,Ying Fan. 2013. How CO2 emissions structure evolves with the process of industrialisation.International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (IJGEnvI), 13(1):43-63.

133.Hai-Ying Zhang, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan*. 2013.An Evaluation Framework for Oil Import Security Based on the Supply Chainwith a Case Study Focused on China.Energy Economics, 38: 87-95.

134.Ming-Lei, Liu, Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2013. How does oil market uncertainty interact with other markets? An empirical analysis of implied volatility index.Energy, 55(6): 860-868.

135.Hong-Bo Duan,Ying Fan, Lei Zhu. 2013.What’s the most cost-effective policy of CO2 targeted reduction:An application of aggregated economic technological model with CCS?Applied Energy,112(12): 866-875.

136.崔连标,范英,朱磊,毕清华,张毅.2013.碳排放交易对实现我国“十二五”减排目标的成本节约效应研究.中国管理科学,21(1): 37-46.

137.毕清华,范英,蔡圣华,夏炎. 2013.基于CDECGE模型的中国能源需求情景分析.中国人口资源与环境,23(1):41-48.

138.崔连标,朱磊,范英. 2013.碳关税背景下中国主动减排策略可行性分析.管理科学, 26(1): 101-111.

139.莫建雷,朱磊,范英. 2013.碳市场价格稳定机制探索及对中国碳市场建设的建议.气候变化研究进展, 9(5): 368-375.

140.Ying Fan, Yan Xia. 2012. Exploring energy consumption and demand in China.Energy, 40(1):23-30.

141.Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2012. How does oil price volatility affect non-energy commodity markets?.Applied Energy, 89(1): 273-280.

142.Lei Zhu, Xiao-Bing Zhang andYing Fan. 2012. A Non-Linear Model for Estimating the Cost of Achieving Emission Reduction Targets: the Case of the US, China and India.Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 21(3): 297-315.

143.Jin-Hua Xu, Tobias Fleiter, Wolfgang Eichhammer andYing Fan. 2012. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions in China's cement industry: A perspective from LMDI decomposition analysis.Energy Policy, 50(11):821-832.

144.Junsong Jia,Ying Fan, Xiaodan Guo. 2012. The low carbon development (LCD) levels’ evaluation of the world’s 47 countries (areas) by combining the FAHP with the TOPSIS method.Expert Systems with Applications, 39(7): 6628-6640.

145.Baichen Xie,Ying Fan, Qianqian Qu. 2012. Does generation form influence environmental efficiency performance? An analysis of China’s power system.Applied Energy, 96(8):261-271.

146.Jian-Lei Mo, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan. 2012. The impact of the EU ETS on the corporate value of European electricity corporations.Energy, 45(1):3-11.

147.夏炎,范英. 2012.基于减排成本曲线演化的碳减排策略研究.中国软科学. (3): 12-22.

148.许金华,孙德强,范英. 2012.基于FTA仿真的三高气田事故风险概率研究.系统工程理论与实践,32(4):877-884.

149.Ying Fan, Jin-Hua Xu. 2011. What has driven oil prices since 2000? A structural change perspective.Energy Economics, 33(6):1082-1094.

150.Ying Fan, Lei Zhu, Xiao-Bing Zhang. 2011. Analysis of Global CCS Technology, Regulations and Its Potential for Emission Reduction with Focus on China.Advances in climate change research, 2(2):57-66.

151.Lei Zhu,Ying Fan. 2011. A real options based CCS investment evaluation model: case study of China’s power generation sector.Applied Energy. 88(12): 4320-4333.

152.Qiang Ji,Ying Fan. 2011. A Dynamic Hedging approach for Refineries in Multiproduct Oil Markets.Energy, 36(2): 881-887.

153.Xiao-Dan Guo, Lei Zhu,Ying Fan, Bai-Chen Xie. 2011. Evaluation of potential reductions in carbon emissions in Chinese provinces based on environmental DEA.Energy Policy, 39(5):2352-2360.

154.Xiao-Bing Zhang,Ying Fan. 2011. Analysis of optimal acquisition strategy and cost estimation for China’s strategic petroleum reserve.Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 35(1): 24-42.

155.刘明磊,朱磊,范英. 2011.我国省级碳排放绩效评价及边际减排成本估计:基于非参数距离函数方法.中国软科学, 2011(3): 106-114.

156.Ying Fan, Lei Zhu. 2010. A real options based model and its application to China's overseas oil investment decisions.Energy Economics, 32(3): 627-637.

157.Ying Fan, Xiao-Bing Zhang. 2010. Modelling the strategic petroleum reserves of China and India by a stochastic dynamic game.Journal of Policy Modeling. 32(4): 505-519.

158.Lei Zhu,Ying Fan. 2010.Optimization of China’s Generating Portfolio and Policy Implications Based on Portfolio Theory.Energy, 35(3): 1391-1402.

159.Ying Fan, Xiaobing Zhang, Lei Zhu. 2010. Estimating the Macroeconomic Costs of CO2 Emission Reduction in China Based on Multi-objective Programming.Advances in Climate Change Research (English edition), 1(1):27-33.

160.范英,朱磊,张晓兵. 2010.碳捕获和封存技术认知、政策现状与减排潜力分析.气候变化研究进展, 6(5): 362-369.

161.姬强,范英. 2010.次贷危机前后国际原油市场与中美股票市场间的协动性研究.中国管理科学, 18(6):42-50.

162.李陶,陈林菊,范英. 2010.基于非线性规划的我国省区碳强度减排配额研究.管理评论, 21(6): 54-60.

163.Ying Fan, Shang-Jun Ying, Bing-Hong Wang, Yi-Ming Wei. 2009. The effect of investor psychology on the complexity of stockmarket: An analysis based on cellular automaton model.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56(1): 63-69.

164.Xiao-Bing Zhang,Ying Fan, Yi-Ming Wei. 2009. A model based on stochastic dynamic programming for determining China’s optimal strategic petroleum reserve policy.Energy Policy, 37(11):4397:4406.

165.朱磊,范英,魏一鸣. 2009.基于实物期权理论的矿产资源最优投资策略模型.中国管理科学, 17(2): 36-41.

166.Hua Liao,Ying Fan. 2009. China targets 20% reduction in energy intensity by 2010.Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 31(1): 10-17.

167.Ling-Yun He,Ying Fan. 2009.Impact of speculator’s expectations of returns and time scales of investment on crude oil price behaviors.Energy Economics, 31(1):77-84.

168.Ying Fan, Qiang Liang. 2008. A generalized pattern matching approach for multi-step prediction of crude oil price.Energy Economics,30(3): 889-904.

169.Ying Fan, Yue-Jun Zhang, Hsien-Tang Tsai. 2008. Estimating ‘Value at Risk’ of crude oil price and its spillover effect using the GED-GARCH approach.Energy Economics, 30(6): 3156-3171.

170.Yue-Jun Zhang,Ying Fan, Hsien-Tang Tsai. 2008. Spillover effect of US dollar exchange rate on international crude oil price: An empirical analysis.Journal of Policy Modeling, 30(6):973-991.

171.梁强,范英. 2008.基于PMRS的期货加权油价多步预测方法.管理科学学报, 11(6): 84-90.

172.梁强,范英. 2008.中美石油消费与国际原油价格的协整分析.数理统计与管理, 27(4):655-662.

173.Norio Okada, Wei-Bin Yu,Ying Fan, Hiroshi Tsuno. 2008. Probabilistic exposure assessment to total trihalomethanes in drinking water: an EVT method.Int. J. Risk Assessment and Management, 8(4): 424-432.

174.Cai-Hua Xu, Ji-Ping Hu,Ying Fan. 2008. Forecast on The Growth Climate of Chinas Passenger Vehicle Ownership.Int. J. Foresight and Innovation Policy, 4(3/4): 348-358.

175.Rong-Gang Cong, Yi-Ming Wei, Jian-Ling Jiao,Ying Fan. 2008. Relationships between oil price shocks and stock market: An empirical analysis from China.Energy Policy, 36(9): 3544-3553.

176.Ying Fan, Qiao-Mei Liang,etc. 2007. A model for China’s energy requirements and CO2 emissions analysis.Environmental Modeling & Software, 22(3): 378-393.

177.Ying Fan, Lan-Cui Liu, Gang Wu, Hsien-Tang Tsai. 2007. Changes in carbon intensity in China: Empirical findings from 1980-2003.Ecological Economics, 62(3/4):683-691.

178.Ying Fan, Hua Liao. 2007. Can Market Oriented Economic Reforms Contribute to Energy Efficiency Improvement? Evidence from China.Energy Policy, 35(4):2287-2295.

179.Ying Fan, Rui-Guang Yang. 2007. A system dynamics based model for coal investment.Energy, 32(6): 898-905.

180.Ying Fan, Jian-Ling Jiao, Qiao-Mei Liao, Zhi-yong Han. 2007. The impact of rising international crude oil price on China’s economy: an empirical analysis with CGE model.Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 27(4):404-424.

181.Ying Fan, Ya-Wen Fan. 2007. Empirical analysis of rural household energy consumption in China.Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 27(4):442-453.

182.Qiao-Mei Liang,Ying Fan. 2007. Carbon taxation policy in China: How to protect energy- and trade-intensive sectors?Journal of Policy Modeling, 29(2):311-333.

183.Qiao-Mei Liang,Ying Fan. 2007. Multi-regional input–output model for regional energy requirements and CO2 emissions in China.Energy Policy, 35(3): 1685-1700.

184.Jian-Ling Jiao,Ying Fan,etc. 2007. Analysis of the co-movement between Chinese and international crude oil price.Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 27(1):61-76.

185.Hua Liao,Ying Fan. 2007. What induced China’s energy intensity to fluctuate: 1997-2006?Energy Policy, 35(9): 4640-4649.

186.Lan-Cui Liu,Ying Fan, Gang Wu. 2007. Using LMDI Method to Analyze the Change of China’s Industrial CO2Emissions from Final Fuel Use: An Empirical Analysis.Energy Policy, 35(11): 5892-5900.

187.Zhi-Yong Han,Ying Fan, Jian-Ling Jiao. 2007. Energy structure, marginal efficiency and substitution rate: An empirical study of China.Energy, 32(6): 935-942.

188.Ling-Yun He,Ying Fan. 2007. The empirical analysis for fractal features and long-run memory mechanism in petroleum pricing systems.Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 27(4): 492-502.

189.张跃军,范英. 2007.基于GED---GARCH模型的中国原油价格波动特征研究.数理统计与管理, 26(3): 398-406.

190.汪立,范英.2007.基于Agent的中国成品油市场模型及其仿真研究.管理科学, 20(5), 76-82.

191.余炜彬,范英.2007.基于极值理论的原油市场价格风险VaR的研究.系统工程理论与实践, 27(8), 12-20.

192.Ying Fanand Jian-Ling Jiao. 2006. An improved historical simulation approach for estimating ‘Value at Risk’ of crude oil price.Int. J. Global Energy Issues,25(1/2): 83-93.

193.Ying Fan, Lan-Cui Liu, Gang Wu, Norio Okada. 2006. Analyzing Impact Factors of CO2 Emissions Using the STIRPAT Model.Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 26(4): 377-395.

194.Jiu-Tian Zhang,Ying Fan. 2006. An empirical analysis for national energy R&D expenditures.Int. J. Global Energy Issues,25(1/2): 141–159.

195.应尚军,范英,魏一鸣. 2006.单支股票市场的元胞自动机模型及其动力学研究.系统工程, 24(7): 31-36.

196.王宇,范英. 2006.人力资本对区域可持续发展影响的实证研究.数理统计与管理,25(2):149-155.

197.何凌云,范英. 2006.基于Zipf分析的Brent原油价格行为的实证研究.复杂系统与复杂性科学, 3(1): 67-78.

198.梁强,范英. 2006.油价结构与奇异性分析.管理评论, 18(2): 15-19.

199.焦建玲,范英. 2006.基于VECM的汽柴油价格不对称性分析.中国管理科学, 14(3):97-102.

200.梁强,范英. 2005.基于小波分析的石油价格长期趋势预测方法及其实证研究.中国管理科学, 13(1): 30-36.

201.杨瑞广,范英. 2005.煤炭投资-供应的系统动力学分析模型.数理统计与管理, 24(5):6-12.

202.刘兰翠,范英. 2005.温室气体减排政策问题研究综述.管理评论, 17(10):46-54.

203.王宇,范英. 2005.基于投入产出模型的部门人力资本比较研究.中国管理科学, 13: 456-461.

204.Jian-Ling Jiao,Ying Fan, Jiu-Tian Zhang. 2005. The analysis of the effect of OPEC oil price to the World oil price.Journal of Systems Science and Information,3(1):113-125.

205.范英. 2004.基于R/S分析的中国股票市场分形特征研究.系统工程, 22(11): 46-51.

206.Ying Fan. 2004. Application of VaR methodology to risk management in the stock market in China.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 46(2): 383-388.

207.余炜彬,范英. 2004. Brent原油期货市场的协整性分析.数理统计与管理, 23(5): 26-32.

208.应尚军,范英,汪秉宏. 2004.基于投资分析的股票市场演化元胞自动机模型.管理评论, 16(11): 4-9.

209.焦建玲,范英. 2004.中国原油价格与国际原油价格的互动关系研究.管理评论, 16(7): 48-53.

210.焦建玲,余炜彬,范英. 2004.关于我国石油价格体系的若干思考.管理评论, 16(3):3-7.(CSCD)

211.Zhi-Yong Han,Ying Fan. 2004. Study on the cointegration and causality between GDP and energy consumption in China.International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 22(2/3/4): 225-232.

212.范英. 2003.基于VaR的股票质押率评估方法.系统工程, 21(4): 86-89.

213.范英. 2001.股市风险值估计的EWMA方法及其应用.预测, 20(3): 34-37.

214.Ying Fan. 2000. Study on the Framework of Risk Management System for Commercial Bank.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 13 (Supplement): 83-88.

215.范英. 2000. VaR方法及其在股市风险分析中的应用初探.中国管理科学, 8(3): 26-32.